Health and Astrology 


Dr Vernon Coleman does not accept what the government in the UK is saying about the Coronarvirus, Covid_19.  He believes there is something very sinister and this is exactly what is reflected in the stars with Saturn conjoins Pluto.  Find out his reasons click on the link:-

A survey commissioned by:-

Vernon Name.gif (7682 bytes)

This Special Report gives general material and opinions for information only and is not to be considered an alternative to professional medical advice. Readers should consult their family doctors or other qualified medical advisers on any matter relating to their health and well being.


Is Your Health Ruled By Your Star Sign?

Does your astrological birth sign really have an influence on your health? Is someone born under Libra more likely to suffer from heart disease than someone born under Taurus? Are Aquarians more inclined to suffer from arthritis than Scorpios?

A lot of nonsense is written about the influence of astrological signs on our lives. And so in an attempt to get at the truth I have conducted a scientific study

You may find it difficult to understand why astrological signs should have any influence on health (or, indeed, on anything else). I readily admit that I find it difficult to understand why there should be any such link.

But the results obtained in this study seem to leave no room for doubt: your date of birth, and the astrological sign under which you were born, do seem to have a significant impact on the type of diseases to which you are most likely to be susceptible.

My conclusion is simple: the astrology-health link is a significant one which we can no longer ignore. You can use the information in this report in the same way that you can use other personal health information


  • Those born under Gemini seem to suffer more illnesses than anyone else.
  • Sagittarians seem to suffer less illness than anyone else.
  • Anxiety and depression seem commonest among those born under the signs of Cancer and Aries.
  • Individuals born under Capricorn and Libra seem more likely to suffer from bone and joint disorders such as arthritis.
  • Those born under Leo and Gemini seem more likely to suffer from heart disease or high blood pressure.
  • Asthma, bronchitis and other breathing difficulties seem commonest among those born under Taurus and Scorpio.
  • Scorpios seem more likely to suffer from kidney and bladder problems such as cystitis.
  • Those born under Pisces and Aries seem more likely to suffer from hair or skin conditions.
  • Ear, nose and throat problems seem commonest among those born under Taurus.
  • Obesity seems commonest among those born under Cancer.
  • Those born under Leo and Gemini seem most likely to suffer from cancer.
  • Blood disorders such as anaemia and leukaemia seem commonest among those born under Leo and Scorpio.
  • Individuals born under Scorpio or Libra seem most likely to suffer from hormone or endocrine problems such as diabetes or thyroid trouble.
  • Sexual problems seem commonest among those born under Gemini.
  • Liver and gall bladder problems seem commonest among those born under Aquarius.
  • Problems affecting the male organs (penis and testicles) seem commonest among those born under Virgo.
  • Problems affecting the female organs (uterus and ovaries) seem commonest among those born under Aries.
  • Chronic and recurrent infections seem commonest among those born under Aquarius.
  • Eye problems seem commonest among those born under Capricorn and Cancer.
  • Digestive problems such as ulcers, irritable bowel syndrome and indigestion seem commonest among those born under Libra, Cancer and Taurus.



Under this heading I have listed under each astrological sign the disorders linked with those signs. These disorders occur more often than average in the signs under which they are listed.


  • Anxiety and depression
  • Hair and skin problems such as eczema, dermatitis or psoriasis
  • Neurological problems such as epilepsy
  • Female health problems (including those affecting the uterus and ovaries)
  • Sexual problems
  • Hormone, endocrine or metabolic disorders such as diabetes or thyroid problems
  • Eye problems


  • Bone and joint disorders such as arthritis
  • Breathing problems such as asthma or bronchitis
  • Kidney and bladder problems such as cystitis
  • Female health problems (including those affecting the uterus and ovaries)
  • Blood disorders, including anaemia and leukaemia
  • Hormone, endocrine or metabolic disorders such as diabetes or thyroid problems
  • Digestive problems such as indigestion, ulcers or irritable bowel syndrome
  • Ear, nose and throat problems


  • Anxiety and depression
  • Bone and joint disorders such as arthritis
  • Heart disease or high blood pressure
  • Hair and skin problems such as eczema, dermatitis or psoriasis
  • Kidney and bladder problems such as cystitis
  • Neurological problems such as epilepsy
  • Female health problems (including those affecting the uterus and ovaries)
  • Sexual problems
  • Cancer
  • Blood disorders, including anaemia and leukaemia
  • Breast problems
  • Eye problems


  • Anxiety and depression
  • Breathing problems such as asthma or bronchitis
  • Kidney and bladder problems, such as cystitis
  • Neurological problems such as epilepsy
  • Female health problems, including those affecting the uterus and ovaries
  • Male health problems, including those affecting the penis and testicles
  • Sexual problems
  • Nutritional problems such as obesity
  • Digestive problems such indigestion, ulcers and irritable bowel syndrome
  • Eye problems
  • Ear, nose and throat problems

LEO (10)

  • Anxiety and depression
  • Bone and joint problems such as athritis
  • Heart disease or high blood pressure
  • Breathing problems such as asthma or bronchitis
  • Neurological problems such as epilepsy
  • Female health problems, including those affecting the uterus and ovaries
  • Male health problems, including those affecting the penis and testicles
  • Cancer
  • Blood disorders, including anaemia and leukaemia
  • Breathing problems such as asthma and bronchitis


  • Heart disease or high blood pressure
  • Breathing problems such as asthma and bronchitis
  • Neurological problems such as epilepsy
  • Male health problems, including those affecting the penis and testicles
  • Cancer
  • Liver and gall bladder problems
  • Digestive problems such as indigestion, ulcers and irritable bowel syndrome


  • Bone and joint problems such as arthritis
  • Heart disease or high blood pressure
  • Hair and skin problems such as eczema, dermatitis or psoriasis
  • Kidney and bladder problems, such as cystitis
  • Hormone, endocrine or metabolic disorders such as diabetes or thyroid problems
  • Liver and gall bladder problems
  • Digestive problems such as indigestion, ulcers and irritable bowel syndrome
  • Breast problems


  • Heart or high blood pressure
  • Breathing problems such as asthma or bronchitis
  • Kidney and bladder problems such as cystitis
  • Neurological problems such as epilepsy
  • Sex problems
  • Blood disorders, such as anaemia and leukaemia
  • Hormone, endocrine and metabolic problems such as diabetes and thyroid problems
  • Breast problems
  • Eye disorders
  • Ear, nose and throat problems


  • Anxiety and depression
  • Sex problems
  • Cancer
  • Nutritional problems such as obesity
  • Digestive problems such as ulcers, indigestion and irritable bowel syndrome
  • Breast problems


  • Bone and joint disorders such as arthritis
  • Hair and skin problems such as eczema, dermatitis and psoriasis
  • Male health problems, including those affecting the penis and testicles
  • Blood disorders including anaemia and leukaemia
  • Nutritional problems such as obesity
  • Liver and gall bladder problems
  • Eye problems
  • Ear, nose and throat problems


  • Bone and joint problems such as athritis
  • Hair and skin problems such as eczema, dermatitis and psoriasis
  • Kidney and bladder problems such as cystitis
  • Neurological problems such as epilepsy
  • Cancer
  • Infectious diseases
  • Nutritional problems such as obesity
  • Liver and gall bladder problems
  • Ear, nose and throat problems



  • Anxiety and depression
  • Hair and skin problems such as eczema, dermatitis and psoriasis
  • Kidney and bladder problems such as cystitis
  • Sex problems
  • Infectious diseases
  • Hormone, endocrine or metabolic problems such as diabetes and thyroid problems
  • Nutritional problems
  • Liver and gall bladder problems
  • Digestive problems such as ulcers, indigestion and irritable bowel syndrome
  • Ear, nose and throat problems



For the purpose of this survey I collected information about symptoms in 20 different categories:

  • anxiety and/or depression
  • bone or joint problems (such as arthritis, rheumatism)
  • heart disease/high blood pressure
  • breathing problems (such as asthma, bronchitis)
  • hair or skin problems (such as eczema, dermatitis, psoriasis)
  • kidney or urinary problems (such as cystitis)
  • neurological problems (such as epilepsy
  • female disorders (affecting the womb or ovaries)
  • male disorders (affecting the penis or testicles)
  • sexual problems (such as impotence, or unusually high or low libido
  • cancer
  • infectious diseases (chronic, recurrent or frequent infections)
  • blood disorders (such as anaemia or leukaemia)
  • hormone, endocrine or metabolic disorders (such as diabetes or thyroid disease
  • nutritional problems (such as obesity, anorexia, vitamin defiency)
  • liver and gall bladder disease (such as hepatitis and gall stones
  • digestive problems (such as indigestion, ulcers, irritable bowel syndrome
  • breast problems
  • eye problems
  • ear, nose and throat problems

The average respondent in this survey complained of having (or having had) suffered from diseases in 4.48 of these categories.

The following list shows where each of the 12 star signs stand in relation to one another with regard to the average number of disorders complained about.

Although all 12 signs are relatively close to one another, there is absolutely no doubt from these results that Sagittarians seem to suffer from far fewer different diseases than individuals under any other star signs. Equally, there is no doubt that those born under Scorpio and Gemini seem, on average, to suffer most.

This table lists the average number of types of illnesses (out of a possible 20) suffered by individuals born under the twelve different star signs.

Do not despair if you find that your star sign is one which seems to be associated with a wide variety of types of ill health. Remember that knowing your susceptibilities can help you protect yourself and improve your health.

Less diseases than average:

1. Sagittarius 3.85
2. Virgo 4.10
3. Capricorn 4.26
4. Pisces 4.47


5. Aries 4.48
6. Libra 4.48

More diseases than average:

7. Aquarius 4.52
8. Leo 4.62
9. Taurus 4.63
10. Cancer 4.64
11. Gemini 4.78
12 Scorpio 4.96


The figures on the following tables show the likelihood of an individual born under each star sign suffering from the condition named. For example, an individual born under the star sign of Cancer will have a 69% chance of suffering from anxiety and/or depression in his or her lifetime.

It is important to remember that these figures should not be taken as meaning that anyone has immunity to a particular type of illness. Everyone is susceptible to every disease (with obvious gender limitations

What the research does show, however, is that there are links between star signs and an extra susceptibility to some specific disorders. And this information can be useful

Please note that these figures are rather lower than the normal figures for the lifetime incidence of specific diseases. For example, the incidence of cancer is now generally regarded as one in three. In other words one in three individuals will develop cancer (though they will not necessarily die of it). The figures here are lower than this because the people taking part in this survey were, inevitably, only part of the way through their lives. Most illnesses develop in the last few decades of life.

Anxiety and /or depression.

Those born under the star signs of Cancer and Aries seem to be significantly more likely to suffer from anxiety and/or depression while those born under the star signs of Capricorn, Virgo and Aquarius seem significantly less likely than average to suffer from problems of this type.

The average risk level is 59%. This means that those born under the sign Libra have an average chance of developing anxiety or depression. Those above Libra on this list have a greater than an average chance of developing anxiety or depression. Those below Libra on this list have a lower than average chance of developing anxiety or depression.

  • Cancer 69%
  • Aries 67%
  • Leo 62%
  • Pisces 62%
  • Gemini 61%
  • Sagittarius 61%
  • Libra 59%
  • Taurus 57%
  • Scorpio 54%
  • Capricorn 52%
  • Virgo 52%
  • Aquarius 38%

Bone or Joint Problems

Those born under the star signs Capricorn, Libra and Taurus all seem to have a significantly enhanced risk of suffering from bone or joint problems. In contrast those born under the star signs Aries, Virgo and Cancer seem to have a lower than average risk of suffering from disorders such as arthritis and rheumatism.

The average risk level is 61%. Those above this level on this list have a greater than an average chance of developing bone or joint problems. Those below 61% on this list have a lower than average chance of developing bone or joint problems.

  • Capricorn 74%
  • Libra 74%
  • Taurus 70%
  • Leo 65%
  • Gemini 64%
  • Aquarius 62%
  • Pisces 60%
  • Scorpio 58%
  • Sagittarius 57%
  • Aries 55%
  • Virgo 55%
  • Cancer 45%

Heart disease/high blood pressure

It seems from these results that individuals born under the star signs Leo, Gemini, Virgo, Libra and Scorpio may need to take particular care to protect themselves against heart and blood pressure problems. It seems that individuals least likely to suffer from problems of this type are those born under Pisces, Aries, Capricorn and Sagittarius.

The average risk level is 33%. This means that those born under the signs Taurus and Aquarius have an average chance of developing anxiety or depression. Those above Taurus and Aquarius on this list have a greater than an average chance of developing heart disease or high blood pressure or similar problems. Those below Taurus and Aquarius on this list have a lower than average chance of developing heart disease, high blood pressure or a similar problem.

  • Leo 46%
  • Gemini 43%
  • Virgo 39%
  • Libra 37%
  • Scorpio 37%
  • Aquarius 33%
  • Taurus 33%
  • Cancer 29%
  • Pisces 27%
  • Aries 26%
  • Capricorn 26%
  • Sagittarius 24%

Breathing problems (asthma, bronchitis etc)

Those born under the star signs Taurus, Scorpio, Leo and Cancer all seem to be exposed to an unusually high risk of developing a problem of this type. On the other hand those born under Aries, Capricorn, Libra and Sagittarius seem less likely to be affected by breathing problems.

The average risk level is 27%. This means that those born under the sign Pisces have an average chance of developing asthma, bronchitis or another type of breathing problem. Those above Pisces on this list have a greater than an average chance of developing a breathing problem. Those below Pisces on this list have a lower than average chance of developing a breathing problem.

  • Taurus 37%
  • Scorpio 37%
  • Leo 35%
  • Cancer 33%
  • Virgo 29%
  • Pisces 27%
  • Gemini 25%
  • Aquarius 24%
  • Aries 22%
  • Capricorn 18%
  • Libra 18%
  • Sagittarius 18%

Hair or skin problems

Those born under Pisces, Aries, Libra, Aquarius and Gemini all seem to have an enhanced chance of suffering from a hair or skin problem. In contrast those born under Sagittarius, Scorpio, Virgo and Taurus all seem to have a reduced risk of suffering from a hair or skin problem.

The average risk level is 24%. This means that those born under the signs Leo and Cancer have an average chance of developing a hair or skin problem - such as eczema, dermatitis or psoriasis. Thos above Leo and Cancer on this list have a greater than average chance of developing a hair or skin problem. Those below Leo and Cancer on this list have a lower than average chance of developing a hair or skin problem.

  • Pisces 35%
  • Aries 33%
  • Libra 30%
  • Aquarius 29%
  • Gemini 28%
  • Capricorn 26%
  • Cancer 24%
  • Leo 24%
  • Sagittarius 21%
  • Virgo 19%
  • Scorpio 12%
  • Taurus 10%

Kidney or urinary problems

Those born under Scorpio, Aquarius, Taurus and Gemini all appear to have an increased risk of suffering from kidney or urinary problems. Those born under Leo, Virgo, Aries, Capricorn and Sagittarius appear to have a reduced risk of suffering from kidney or urinary problems. Those born under Leo should be aware that the low level of risk which seems to be associated with this sign should not be misinterpreted as meaning that there is no risk at all.

The average risk level is 24%. Those above this level on this list have a greater than an average chance of developing a kidney or bladder problem. Those below this level on this list have a lower than average chance of developing a bladder or kidney problem.

  • Scorpio 46%
  • Aquarius 38%
  • Taurus 33%
  • Gemini 32%
  • Cancer 26%
  • Libra 26%
  • Pisces 25%
  • Virgo 19%
  • Aries 18%
  • Capricorn 18%
  • Sagittarius 18%
  • Leo 0%

Neurological Problems

Those born under Aquarius, Scorpio, Aries, Gemini , Leo and Capricorn all seem to have an increased risk of suffering from neurological problems. Those born under Libra, Pisces and Taurus all seem to have a lower risk of suffering from neurological problems. (This should not be misinterpreted as a zero risk.)

The average risk level is 4%. This means that those born under the sign Capricorn have an average chance of developing a neurological problem such as epilepsy. Those above Capricorn on this list have a greater than an average chance of developing a neurological problem. Those below Capricorn on this list have a lower than average chance of developing a neurological problem.

  • Aquarius 9%
  • Scorpio 8%
  • Aries 7%
  • Gemini 7%
  • Leo 7%
  • Virgo 6%
  • Cancer 5%
  • Capricorn 4%
  • Leo 3%
  • Libra 0%
  • Pisces 0%
  • Taurus 0%

Female disorders

Women born under Aries, Gemini, Taurus and Cancer seem to have an increased risk of suffering from a problem involving the womb or ovaries whereas women born under Aquarius, Pisces, Sagittarius, Scorpio, Libra, Virgo and Capricorn seem to have a lower risk of these problems.

The average risk level is 17%. Those above this level on this list have a greater than an average chance of developing a disorder of the womb or ovaries. Those below this level on this list have a lower than average chance of developing a disorder of this type.

Aries 44% Gemini 29% Taurus 23% Cancer 21% Leo 19% Aquarius 14% Pisces 12% Sagittarius 12% Scorpio 12% Libra 11% Virgo 6% Capricorn 4%

Male disorders

Men born under Virgo, Leo and Capricorn seem to have an increased chance of suffering from a disorder involving the penis or testicles. Men born under Pisces, Aquarius, Aries and Libra seem to have a less than average chance of suffering from a problem of this type.

The average risk level is 4%. This means that those born under the signs Gemini or Scorpio have an average chance of developing a male disorder affecting the penis or testicles. Those above Gemini and Scorpio on this list have a greater than an average chance of developing a problem of this type. Those below Gemini and Scorpio on this list have a lower than average chance of developing a male disorder affecting the penis or testicles.

  • Virgo 13%
  • Leo 8%
  • Capricorn 7%
  • Cancer 5%
  • Gemini 4%
  • Scorpio 4%
  • Taurus 3%
  • Sagittarius 3%
  • Pisces 2%
  • Aquarius 0%
  • Aries 0%
  • Libra 0%

Sexual problems

These results suggest that those born under Gemini, Pisces, Scorpio and Aries may have an increased risk of suffering from a sexual problem. The results also suggest that those born under Aquarius, Capricorn and Libra may have a lower than average risk of suffering from this type of problem.

The average risk level is 11%. This means that those born under the sign Leo have an average chance of developing a sexual problem. Those above Leo on this list have a greater than an average chance of developing a sexual problem. Those below Leo on this list have a lower than average chance of developing a sexual problem.

  • Gemini 21%
  • Pisces 17%
  • Scorpio 17%
  • Aries 15%
  • Cancer 12%
  • Sagittarius 12%
  • Leo 11%
  • Taurus 10%
  • Virgo 10%
  • Aquarius 5%
  • Capricorn 4%
  • Libra 4%


The results suggest that individuals born under Leo, Gemini and Virgo may have an increased chance of suffering from cancer while those born under Pisces, Scorpio, Capricorn and Cancer may have a reduced risk of contracting a cancer.

The average risk level is 8%. Those above this level on this list have a greater than an average chance of developing cancer. Those below this level on this list have a lower than average chance of developing cancer.

  • Leo 16%
  • Gemini 14%
  • Virgo 10%
  • Aquarius 9%
  • Sagittarius 9%
  • Aries 7%
  • Libra 7%
  • Taurus 7%
  • Cancer 5%
  • Capricorn 4%
  • Scorpio 4%
  • Pisces 2%

Infectious diseases

Those born under Aquarius or Pisces seem more likely to suffer from a problematic infectious disease. By contrast those born under Capricorn , Libra, Sagittarius, Taurus, Virgo, Aries and Cancer seem likely to have a lower than average risk of suffering from an infectious disease.

The average risk level is 8%. This means that those born under the signs Scorpio and Leo have an average chance of suffering from chronic, recurring or frequent infectious diseases. Those above Scorpio and Leo on this list have a greater than an average chance of acquiring a troublesome infection or series of infections. Those below Scorpio and Leo on this list have a lower than average chance of developing this type of problem.

  • Aquarius 14%
  • Pisces 10%
  • Leo 8%
  • Scorpio 8%
  • Gemini 7%
  • Capricorn 4%
  • Libra 4%
  • Sagittarius 3%
  • Taurus 3%
  • Virgo 3%
  • Aries 0%
  • Cancer 0%

Blood disorders

Those born under Leo, Scorpio, Capricorn , Gemini and Taurus may have an increased chance of suffering from a blood disorder (including anaemia and leukaemia).

Those born under Sagittarius, Pisces and Virgo (and, to a lesser extent, Aquarius and Cancer) seem less likely to suffer from a blood disorder.

The average risk level is 11%. This means that those born under the signs Aries and Libra have an average chance of developing a blood disorder. Those above Aries and Libra on this list have a greater than an average chance of developing a blood disorder. Those below Aries and Libra on this list have a lower than average chance of developing a blood disorder.

  • Leo 22%
  • Scorpio 21%
  • Capricorn 15%
  • Gemini 14%
  • Taurus 13%
  • Aries 11%
  • Libra 11%
  • Aquarius 9%
  • Cancer 9%
  • Virgo 6%
  • Pisces 5%
  • Sagittarius 3%

Hormone, endocrine or metabolic disorder

Those born under Scorpio, Libra, Aries and Taurus may have an increased chance of suffering from problems of this type. It seems that those born under Aquarius, Gemini, Capricorn, Leo, Virgo, Cancer and Sagittarius may be likely to have a reduced chance of suffering from problems of this type.

The average risk level is 16%. Those above this level on this list have a greater than an average chance of developing a hormone, endocrine or metabolic disorder. Those below this level on this list have a lower than average chance of developing a hormone, endocrine or metabolic disorder, such as diabetes or thyroid disease.

  • Scorpio 33%
  • Libra 29%
  • Aries 22%
  • Taurus 20%
  • Pisces 17%
  • Aquarius 14%
  • Gemini 14%
  • Capricorn 11%
  • Leo 11%
  • Virgo 10%
  • Cancer 9%
  • Sagittarius 6%

Nutritional problems

Those born under the star signs of Cancer, Aquarius, Capricorn, Sagittarius and Pisces may have a higher than average risk of suffering from a nutritional problem (including obesity, anorexia, vitamin deficiency). Those born under Leo , Gemini ,Taurus ,Aries, Libra and Scorpio seem less likely to suffer from a nutritional problem.

The average risk level is 15%. Those above this level on this list have a greater than an average chance of developing a nutritional problem. Those below this level on this list have a lower than average chance of developing a nutritional problem.

  • Cancer 29%
  • Aquarius 24%
  • Capricorn 22%
  • Sagittarius 18%
  • Pisces 17%
  • Leo 13%
  • Gemini 11%
  • Taurus 10%
  • Aries 7%
  • Libra 4%
  • Scorpio 4%

Liver/Gall bladder disease

Those born under Aquarius, Virgo and Pisces seem most likely to suffer from problems of this type (which include hepatitis, gall stones).

Those born under Sagittarius, Leo, Aries, Gemini and Scorpio all seem less likely to suffer in this way.

The average risk level is 10%. This means that those born under the sign Taurus have an average chance of developing a liver or gall bladder problem. Those above Taurus on this list have a greater than an average chance of developing a liver or gall bladder problem. Those below Taurus on this list have a lower than average chance of developing a liver or gall bladder problem.

  • Aquarius 24%
  • Virgo 13%
  • Pisces 12%
  • Capricorn 11%
  • Libra 11%
  • Taurus 10%
  • Cancer 9%
  • Sagittarius 9%
  • Leo 8%
  • Aries 7%
  • Gemini 7%
  • Scorpio 4%

Digestive problems

Those born under Libra, Cancer, Taurus and Sagittarius all seem more likely to suffer from problems of this type. (which include indigestion, ulcers, irritable bowel syndrome etc)Those born under Leo, Capricorn, Scorpio, Aquarius and Gemini all seem less likely to suffer from diseases in this category.

The average risk level is 44%. Those above this level on this list have a greater than an average chance of developing a digestive problem. Those below this level on this list have a lower than average chance of developing a digestive problem.

  • Libra 52%
  • Cancer 50%
  • Taurus 50%
  • Sagittarius 48%
  • Pisces 47%
  • Virgo 45%
  • Aries 41%
  • Leo 40%
  • Capricorn 37%
  • Scorpio 37%
  • Aquarius 33%
  • Gemini 32%

Breast problems

Those born under Scorpio, Leo, Gemini and Libra all seem most likely to suffer from breast problems. Least likely to suffer from problems of this type appear to be those born under Virgo, Aquarius, Cancer, Aries, Pisces and Taurus.

The average risk level is 8%. Those above this level on this list have a greater than an average chance of developing a breast problem. Those below this level on this list have a lower than average chance of developing a breast problem.

  • Scorpio 17%
  • Leo 16%
  • Gemini 14%
  • Libra 11%
  • Sagittarius 9%
  • Capricorn 7%
  • Virgo 6%
  • Aquarius 5%
  • Cancer 5%
  • Aries 4%
  • Pisces 2%
  • Taurus 0%

Eye problems

Those born under Capricorn, Cancer and Scorpio seem most likely to suffer from eye problems. Those born under Aquarius, Taurus, Leo and Pisces seem least likely to suffer from eye problems.

The average risk level is 28%. Those above this level on this list have a greater than an average chance of developing an eye problem. Those below this level on this list have a lower than average chance of developing an eye problem.

  • Capricorn 37%
  • Cancer 36%
  • Scorpio 33%
  • Aries 30%
  • Gemini 29%
  • Sagittarius 27%
  • Libra 26%
  • Virgo 26%
  • Aquarius 24%
  • Taurus 23%
  • Leo 22%
  • Pisces 22%

Ear, nose and throat problems

Those born under Taurus, Scorpio, Capricorn, Aquarius, Cancer and Pisces seem most likely to suffer from ear, nose or throat problems. Those born under Virgo, Gemini and Sagittarius seem least likely to suffer from problems of this type.

The average risk level is 33%. This means that those born under the sign Libra have an average chance of developing an ear, nose or throat problem. Those above Libra on this list have a greater than an average chance of developing a problem of this type. Those below Libra on this list have a lower than average chance of developing an ear, nose, or throat problem.

  • Taurus 53%
  • Scorpio 42%
  • Capricorn 44%
  • Aquarius 43%
  • Cancer 43%
  • Pisces 40%
  • Libra 33%
  • Leo 32
  • Aries 30%
  • Virgo 29%
  • Gemini 21%
  • Sagittarius 18%


To be aware of your susceptibilities is to increase your chances of survival. If you have a family history of heart disease or diabetes then you would be foolish not to take very special care to make sure that you do not expose yourself unnecessarily to external factors which might increase your chances of suffering from that problem. If you have a family history of diabetes then you would be wise to watch your diet carefully, to avoid becoming overweight and to have regular check ups for early signs of developing diabetes.

The information produced by this research should be used in a similar way. So, for example, if your star sign shows that you are unusually susceptible to digestive problems then you should take special care to avoid that type of problem.

About this survey

This study is based on 1,643 separate pieces of information supplied by 367 respondents in the autumn of 1999. I hope that the results will encourage other researchers to continue the work begun with this paper.

Dr. Vernon Coleman