Personal Astrological Natal Birth Chart |
This is a personal, Astrological Birth Chart that will be constructed for you based on the date of the birth, the time of the birth and.. ..the
place were the person was born which you will need to send me via
e-mail. Synastry, Composit (Partnership Reports) and 12 Month Transit Forecast will have similar pages
Photograph showing the many pages of detail
note the folder / binder in this picture is for display only and is not included
in the selling price)
Depending on the dynamics at work at the time of the birth, each personalised chart will contain between 20 to 35 A4 size, exciting and often revealing pages of useful information about what makes the person who they are.
Sample, detailed astrological chart wheel
The chart may help people to find answers to the following questions:- · How do I appear to others? · Why is my attitude to earning money, possession and need for security as it is? · Why do I get along with some people but are not so good at communicating with others? · Why have I shaped my home like it is and like my home comforts the way they are? · What makes me take an interest in the hobbies I have? · Why is my health as good or not as it good as it could be? · Why am I attracted to this man/woman, what potential is there for long lasting love? (For partner comparison analysis see the ‘Synastry Chart’) · When viewed cumulatively, does the astrological chart show tendencies for the person to be a head strong leader, or is their strength versatility or is that person the type who can see a project through from start to the completion?
Remember to use my e-mail link to send the following:-
· Date of birth (DD/MM/YY) · Time of birth (use 24 hour clock or state 'pm' or 'am') · Place of birth (Town / City / Country)
Try to be
as exact as you can with the birth time, if it is unknown I can calculate
from midday
My aim is for customers to be 100% happy with their personal astrological analysis and to supply the detail as described.
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will aspire to guarantee the complete confidentiality of the customer's personal
will never share with anyone, your email address or any of the information you
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